Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram With IC LM386
Circuit diagram of the LM386 based audio amplifier is shown in the circuit. It is built around popular amplifier LM386 and 8-ohm, one-watt speaker (LS1), four capacitors and a few other components.
Four electrolytic capacitors are used in this circuit. Before using this project, test it using the 6V battery. Connect the 8-ohm, one-watt speaker to output pin 5 of IC through 220uf .
Switch on and keep VR to its mid position. Now, take a screwdriver and gently touch it on input terminal pin 3 of IC. You should hear a humming sound from the speaker. This will confirm that your circuit is working and ready to use.
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Parts List:-
- IC LM386
- Capacitor:- 10uf 2pc ,220uf 2pc, 16v, .1uf(104)
- Resistor:- 1.2k, 10Ω, VR 10k
- Speaker 8Ω
Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram

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