High Wattage Dimmer switch Circuit Upto 10000 watt

This is a simple AC TRIAC dimmer circuit. You can use this circuit upto 10000watt only change the Triac of this circuit. If the TRIAC is a high temperature. It should be held with a large heat sink. With The help of this article you can make High Wattage Dimmer Switch Circuit at Home.

How This Ac Dimmer Circuit Works

The DIAC(Diode AC bi-directional switch) is a kind of diode. It switches AC voltage or trigger to a gate of the TRIAC. Adjust  VR to Adjust the speed or Brightness of Load.

We know the AC main is the Sine waveform. Use Triac is an electronics switch. It works very fast in AC. If we feed a different waveform in the gate of Triac. We can control it easily.

And Capacitors and resistors are basic components to change the waveform of AC.

High Wattage Dimmer Switch Circuit Upto 10000 Watt

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ac high power dimmer circuit diagram

Parts List for High Wattage Dimmer Switch Circuit

Caution!  This circuit must be in an electricity insulation box that closes all the time. It has high voltage electricity flows through.

There may be a huge number of inverter circuits available over the internet and electronic magazines. But this is the easiest and very effective circuit Diagram. Because this circuit is made by very few components.The functioning Continue Reading..

How To Make High Wattage Dimmer Switch Circuit Watch The Video

High Watt Dimmer With PCB Layout

I make a new video on this Topic with PCB Layout you can take a print of this image on A4 Photo Copy Paper for for more details Please Watch Video Below or you can download Gerber file from link below

10000watt ac dimmer circuit speed controller for fan coller pcb layout

How To Make High Wattage AC Dimmer Circuit Watch Video For Details

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